
The Drayton Park REB especially is evidence of this. Moving away from a mass pour concrete slab as the main REB foundation to skid foundations reducing the amount of concrete and only procuring and using timber from sustainable sources are just a couple of examples of this. By far the most innovative of these methods was the use of Technocrete for all of the GRP handrail foundations. As an estimate, the teams on site could have used up to 100no. bags of postcrete to install the full run. The use of Technocrete didn’t just improve the sustainability by that nominal amount, the transportation of bulk materials to this site was extremely challenging. The only way in and out for materials was by RRV or many man hours of site teams having to manually carry materials through the Drayton Park Sub Station access, down flights of stairs and a long walk to site. Neither methods are particularly sustainable or safe. All of the Tecnocrete required to complete these works came to site in just two cardboard boxes and just two sachets is enough for one foundation!
As always with Scott Parnell (Techno-Crete Stockist), the procurement process and service for both the Tecnocrete and all other materials was first class on this job. They even headed out to site to demonstrate how to best install the Technocrete. That alone speaks volumes of the quality and confidence they have in a great product. I will now be recommending the use of Technocrete for similar applications on all projects we work on going forward.
Joe Smith
Project Manager at SEVA Rail Services